Return From Travel


Please complete a Concur Report within 45 days of returning from travel.

If you need assistance please reference this Concur Step by Step Guide, or contact

Tips for building a Concur Report
  • Most domestic travel uses a Sub Account of 5 and foreign travel is usually 7.
  • Always make sure the Department Approver (found in Report Timeline) is Jessica Ajao for ERI funding, especially if your home department is not ERI.
  • If you are submitting travel for an overnight stay, you will need to have evidence of travel (how you got to and from), lodging, and meals. If you are missing one of these, please explain why (ie someone else paid for them, included with conference fees, etc.).
Personal Vehicle Use

When driving a personally owned vehicle in lieu of renting while on business travel, assess the cost to the University by comparing the mileage reimbursement rate associated with a personally owned vehicle to rental car daily rates. When using a personal vehicle for travel you may submit mileage using the Mileage Calculator within Concur. This will calculate mileage and input the reimbursable amount.

Meal Allowances

Currently, we do not require receipts for meals during travel, but there is a $79/day maximum allowance. This is NOT to be treated as a per diem rate. You should report meal expenses based on the actual expenses you have incurred. You will be required to provide meal receipts if you appear to be treating the daily maximum allowance as a per diem (please keep receipts until the expense has been approved). Alcohol expenses are not a reimbursable travel expense and should be omitted from your request. There is no meal allowance for domestic trips under 24 hours. 

Personal Time

If your purchased airfare is indirect and/or includes personal time, please print a quote that shows what the cost of airfare would have been for direct travel on business dates.  Submit the quote in addition to your actual airfare receipt.   The quote should be printed on the same date that you actually purchase your ticket. When building your CONCUR report please indicate these personal dates on the “Report Header” and mark the “Personal Expense (do not reimburse)” box when entering the expense.